michael field / executive creative director / writer

michael field / executive creative director / writer

Hyperion Books

Hyperion Books
Twitter, Social, Website, WOM


How do you launch the 6th and final installment of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy?


Empower Users to Tweet The Galaxy. Then beam all Tweets into outer space. Seriously.

We launched the event at Comic–Con International in San Diego, where author Eion Colfer, made the first tweet: “I quorble fainly at the juddering half squint, yet of all the porms wrangled I regret the loss of only 42.”

With zero media budget to support the effort, client was so happy with the idea, execution and results that they introduced us to ABC Family.


1,137 Tweets…and counting. All Tweets were beamed into outer space by Deep Space Communications in Cape Canaveral, FL. Based on science, we should hear back from the universe in 6-7 years.

We’ll keep you posted.

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