michael field / executive creative director / writer

michael field / executive creative director / writer

HP Event

HP 72 Hours of Yes!

HP had a significantly better storage product, but EMC had the lion’s share of the market. Conventional tactics to gain market share weren’t working.
We needed to shake things up. The EMC World convention in Las Vegas was the perfect setting for us to do something bold, fearless and unforgettable.

Enter 72 Hours of Yes, a world where convention attendees would tweet a request to HP and–you guessed it–HP said “Yes!”
From helicopter rides and pink gorilla suits, to tattoos and Cirque du Soleil training, HP said “Yes!” like there was no tomorrow. Which made our audience more receptive to saying “Yes!” to even bigger decisions, like switching their storage provider.

In just hours, we were able to “hijack” EMC World and turn the spotlight to HP. By the end of EMC World’s first day, #72hoursofyes became it’s most popular hashtag. More importantly, this event was seen as the turning point in EMC customers’ perceptions of HP.
So, were we successful? In a word: Yes!

  • Type Twitter, Social, Outdoor, Word of Mouth, Print

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